Very inspiring and interesting article. A people can't be responsible for any crime, or this is ethnophobia. This is why the Nuremberg trials condemn nazi criminals, not the German people. Condemning people just pushes them into the arms of another criminal doctrine instrumentalizing the self-hate into the hope of being proud through a twisted vision of reality.
The people accomplishing crimes against humanity under a tyrannic regime is only a slave and a victim of their ideology. It is a vector people, not a criminal people. There are no criminal people, and no shame to feel.
And we have to listen to these ancient possessed people to better understand how we can avoid other horrors in the future. Not criminalizing entire people. Not forcing them to feel ashamed. Especially when they are just the descendants of the possessed individuals by the tyrannic regime.
We can't replace a worthy-versus-worthless criminal ideology with another one, pretexting it is based on what the ancestors recently did.
All people on the Earth did horrible things in the past, written or forgotten. Spain, Russia and England built concentration camps before we decide to let think only the German people did it. Targeted moral demonization on particular ethnicities is always ignorance of history and comfortable unawares of unwritten history.
Ethnic shame is an obstacle to memorial history. We have to remember all, and not blame certain peoples because they recently were enough powerful to be vectors for crime against humanity.
The nazi ideology has been very much constructed and propagated by french bourgeois like Arthur de Gobineau. It did not rise from the native people of Germany. German people have no reason to feel more ashamed than my people. In some parallel reality, it could have been a reverse role between the peoples of France and Germany.
And what possessed Germans did is not a reason for forgetting what the Red Army did to German prisoners and to the 240 000 rape-related death of German women.
Shame incitement is nothing more than an obstacle for memory and a gaslighting for the crimes a criminalized people can suffer. Shame incitement is hate incitement, not memory. The more we shame a people, the more we obstruct their spontaneous and authentic memory duty, the more we impede true friendship between ethnicities.
If you can deal with shame and honesty at the same time, without falling into comfortable lies, it is just because you are morally endurant. Everybody isn't. So I find that your text is precious to skip the false toxic dilemma between pointless shame and forgettance.
We need a collective sense of responsibility, and to find ways of making the people feel responsible for memory and human rights keeping without criminalizing it for generations. Shame incitement is simply not the answer. Relaxed communication and sharing of emotions is a good start.
Thank you.