The Birth of Mass Ethnophobia

The 3 steps of the christian ethnophobic domination over the world

Yann Meridex
8 min readFeb 11, 2022
Decimation of the Taínos during the encomienda slaving of non-christians by Spanish christians, circa 1498

How comes ethnicities have been so persecuted all along with christian history, while ethnic pride is such a taboo nowadays in western societies ? Here is a little journey to better understand how ethnophobia is formed from the theological paradigm of salvationist discrimination to historical gruesome facts, and why ethnic pride is one of the worst thoughtcrime to the eyes of an entire religion built on ethnocide.

The obsession of extruding humankind from the animal kingdom

When we say animals, we mean “other animals”. Lots of self-ignoring creationists think there is a complete essential difference between humans and animals.

We are told that humans descend from apes. In fact, even this is wrong : humans are apes. Humans are classified in the sub-group of primates known as the Great Apes. We descend from ancient ancestors apes, but we are still apes.

Thinking humans are not animals and not apes is neo-creationism and biologically a lie, and there is no reason to think we aren’t apes or animals except for letting creationist obscurantism keep us in thinking we are extracted from apeness, extracted from animality, stranger to our despised savage biological nature.

It has its roots in the christian theological conception of a worthy chosen godlike and godcreated mankind, radically opposed to the worthless wildlife of the land of exile where we supposedly had been deported by a choleric omnipotent unique god. A christian always consider himself originally as a stranger on the Earth, condemned to face up and beat nature.

The obsession of extruding the civilized from the low state of nature

Before christianity, barbarians only meant strangers speaking some foreign languages, regardless of their degree of civilization. Thucydides spelled out this antique concept by defining barbary politically as the local traditions and clanic interests override public interest. Globally, being a barbarian was not a matter of worthist dehumanization to discriminate between the worthy and the worthless, it was at the utmost some kind of cultural pride.

It took a complete turn with the forced and brutal christianization of the Roman Empire, with the progressive persecution of pagans, prohibition of their cults, destruction of their temples, and burning of their scrolls. The self-dismantling and civil war-torn empire attracted lots of mercenaries and tempting fate conquerors from beyond the limes. For example, Attila’s help was sought from Gaul by a Frankish heir claiming succession over his brother, and even by a desperate call from the own brutalized sister of the christian emperor of Rome, Valentinian III, threatened by forced marriage under death threat.

Christianity deeply impregnated our collective psyche with commonplace propaganda depicting savage pagan bloodthirsty barbarian hordes, God’s Flail, or later in medieval times “Tartars”, meaning literally people from hell (the mythologic name of hell Tartarus was used at this time in the Bible). This demonization allowed to blame barbarian scapegoats in order to avoid the embarrassing question of “who burnt almost all our culture and turned the roman world into rubble by successive imperial edicts ?”. It is said history is written by victors, but christians just burnt it and didn’t even bother to write any coherent story on what took place in Europe during their terrorist putsch. They just inverted the characters by portraying the christians as victims of pagan persecution, which not only is the exact opposite of reality, but on top of that, does not answer at all the main question : “Why does the rise of christianity coincide with the destruction of classical culture and the beginning of Dark Ages ?

On this kind of propaganda, christians claimed the pagan temples and statues just magically collapsed into rubbles because their bishops said prayers to escape imaginary forced worship by evil supremacist pagans

Christian mafia infected antique elites and took over the administrative and military power of Rome to use it in their quest for unlimited universal moral control. Delatores were diverted from their civilizational role of anticriminal agents to become key members of the criminal christian network. They henceforth had to denounce pagan activities and condemn their participants to torture and death, or else they would be considered guilty of complicity and put to death themselves. The very concept of civilization soon became a synonym of christian terror sharia against the pagan spirit of Europeans.

Christian elites pushed the narrative of christian civilization against nature to such an extent that still nowadays, most people think there is a total incompatibility between civilization and nature. Even ecologists are often unable to fathom harmony between civilization and nature. Even Native American activists have to resign themselves to playing the disturbing colonial comedy of good savages in direct communion with nature in order to receive the almsgiving of attention from left-christian media. Since christians are no longer allowed to exterminate pagan native populations, they have to resort to other methods to exclude pagans from civilization : heathens are kept into the heath and christendom keeps the city.

Lararium Of Family Altar, Seen In Situ by Luigi Bazzani (House of Vettii, Pompei)

Before plurisecular christian propaganda invaded our brains, our nature was never regarded as an obstacle to civilization in the collective psyche. The estrusco-roman lares and penates were enchanting homes side to ancestors cult, while the temple of hearth goddess Vesta was located on the Roman Forum right beside governmental buildings, at the very center of the Urbs Aeterna. The greek gods ruled nature and civilization without any boundary. Athena protected the city as Artemis watched over the sanctuarized nature. The Olympian Zeus was finally accepted as a ruler of gods and men by his grandmother Gaïa, and Zeus himself forgave the transgression of Prometheus who had taught crafts to men and brought them fire technology. Civilization in the ancient world was regarded as no more, no less than a clever ruse to transgress world constraints, meaning that there is no progress without tricking superior forces instead of preying and asking them for permission.

Nothing before christianity spread the anthropophobic belief that civilizational progress required the definitive sacrifice of our carnal nature and primal integrity, in addition to the total oblivion of our ethnic identity.

The christo-colonial world crusade against ethnicity

Christianity is salvationist like every other mafia : you have to submit, pay money and convert to the mafia system in order to be saved. They provide you salvation and protection in order to avoid your shop being machine-gunned by pure coincidence just after your refusal.

For a very long time in European history, christian authorities were crystal clear about the remaining pagans to christianize : Baptism or Death was the choice christianity generously offered to every living soul in Europe, as one can understand by reading official texts like Charlemagne’s Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae.

Under death threat, christianity forced everybody into “finding” christian faith. Evangelists stole beautiful pagan rites to artificially root their religion in our disfigured culture, in order to label every pleasant tradition as “christian”. Every popular celebration, like “Christmas”, Easter, and Day of the Dead, are pagan rites appropriated by the Church. At the same time though, the proto-inquisition of the first millenary massively tortured and burnt people who dared respect pagan customs and ceremonies by combining it with christianity. Ethnophrones was the name (from ethnos, “ethnicity”, and phroneô, “to think”) applied to those designated heretics, accused of paganizing christianity with their impure spirits and hearts. The christian power made it very clear that honoring your ancestors was heresy, therefore punishable by death.

Christianity wanted the total deconstruction of the ethnic spirit. Paganity itself derives from its first sense “the quality of being still loyal to the pagus, i.e. the country”, to designate with despise those millions of deplorable chauvinists that christianity has always fought.

To justify the christian ethnocidal project all around the world, it was necessary to prove that every single colonized tribe was keeping archaic savage aspects and needed civilization and christian redemption to become worthy of being “saved”. When the christians landed in the “New World”, all of this conceptual work had been already accomplished upstream. America, Africa, Asia, Oceania… not a single place on earth could resist the powerful nations of Europe possessed by the christian ethnophobic fanatics.

Ethnicity was associated with savagery and worthless animal life to colonize, convert or exterminate. Christians had a very religious conception of civilization, spread over the world as a vector to propagate christianity. Civilization has never been anything but a pretext to inoculate toxic christianity in every single pagan tribe of the world. Civilization was a pretext to a world ethnocide of non-monotheistic people.

White christian bourgeoisie decimated and subjugated peoples all around the world. When oppressed people all around the world started to fight back and demand justice, the white christian bourgeoisie found a trick to avoid accountability : they blamed whiteness to exonerate christianity. The entire white race became the scapegoat of white christian elites.

The ethnophobic Ku Klux Klan has always been a grassroots christian organization

When white christians commit atrocities in the name of Christ, the christian political correctness only allows putting the blame on the very ethnicity to which the mercenaries and levies belonged. Not the christian elites who commanded them. Not the very christian ideology of worthism : the war of the worthy against the worthless, an ignominious paradigm directly coming from christian salvationism.

It is quite as if we were blaming the german ethnicity for the Second World War and nazism was still treated as perfectly irreproachable.

Unless… was nazism nothing but a gross political proxy for the last christian crusade ?

Deutsche Christen clergymen, passing their church’s flag

It just depends on your ability to face the awful ethnophobic truth in all its forms.

“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity . . . in fact our movement is Christian.”

Adolf Hitler during a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928

Enough vertigo for today.

Hitler at church, Wilhelmshaven, 1931



Yann Meridex
Yann Meridex

Written by Yann Meridex

Polyist political pagan 🦉🏛🕯️ Husband of @SolveigMineo 🌹 Liberty, Progress, Hedonism 🌍 Occident is the West decolonizing itself from christianity ✨

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